
We admit students throughout the year if space is available.

  1. After an initial enquiry we ask interested parents to schedule a tour with school.
  2. Both parents are invited to visit the school for a classroom observation. A classroom observation may also be scheduled with first visit.
  3. When a decision to apply is made, complete the application for Enrollment Form and send it to the school with a non-refundable $150.00 application fee.
  4. A meeting happens once the Application for Enrollment, Registration fee and Admission Questionnaire are completed. Together parents and school director review both Application and Questionnaire.
  5. The school director makes the final decision regarding admission. The family may be told verbally on the decision. A letter will also be sent to the family confirming admission and the next process.
  6. If a space is not immediately available, you may wish to be placed on our waiting list.

Please call with any further questions or for more information.

Application Forms

Fill out online: Application Form Online

Print out to fax or drop off: Application Form Print

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